Just a few words to welcome you to my blog. A simple blog where I share whatever I come across on the web. Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment and don't forget to click on the ads...it won't hurt a bit I promise :)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Android first impressions

I'm really in between in this question as I really loved the flow of ios but I decided to with the HTC one. There are a lot of things that I miss with the iPhone but I don't know if it's just the fact that I don't have one anymore and that's why I miss it because the HTC one is the business!!
I absolutely love it, it's just as smooth as ios if not more. The only issue I have with it is the battery obviously.  It's has to be charged at least once a day plus I charge it during the night. I installed a battery saver to remedy the battery problem of course :)  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Am I the only one or has the human race gone mad.....?

My sister often said I was too cynical but it can't be helped seeing what I see every day. 
Is it me or do we actually believe that Iraq  was a dangerous country and it wasn't the petrol we/the USA just wanted ?
Is it just me or did the banks just screw the world and then asked for a bailout when they lost all of our money ?
Is it just me or has the world gone crazy when parents kill their own offspring ?
Is it just me or is it just the lower class that always get screwed?
Is it just me or are we "making money since the day we were born" as Robbie Williams nicely put it?
Is it just me or did the African Americans really think they would be better off with Obama in office?
Is it just me or have people become less religious and more fanatical?
Is it just me or have times really changed since we killed/exiled  all the kings and replaced them  with politicians who think and do exactly like the kings we got rid of?
Is it just me or is every child NOT born equally ?
Is it just me or does everyone believe everything we are shown on the media is the truth and some propaganda for some political thinking director with shares in some dubious company?
Is it just me or will the people ever wake up and revolt or will they just sit back and let the media do their thinking?
I'm not a religious person but if there is a God....good Jesus he's gonna be pissed( no pun intended...lol)
A bit cynical I know but I had to put my insomnia to some good use. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Back to work tomorrow

Well that's the end of the holidays!! Back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks holidays. A bit depressing but had to be done
Looking forward to changing my phone in October though as I'm a bit fed up with iOS. Thinking of going for the HTC One...what do you think? I prefer the look and build if the one as the galaxy s4  is too "plasticky " looking to me. I haven't had the chance to hold a HTC yet but it has a lovely form all the same. Let me know what you think and why below by leaving a comment (they're free!!)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

New ios 6.1.3

I was just wondering how many of you updated your iPhone that s week with the new(ish) release of ios 6.1.3? I for one will. It be bothered with this release as there is nothing really new or really needed. Leave a comment below and let me know.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Will most definitely be leaving ios

Have decided  to leave ios this year. I have found myself  losing interest in the iPhone is er the past few months. I will surely be moving to android and most likely the new Samsung galaxy 4 as I am really impressed  with it. I am so disappointed with the fact that contrary to android you cannot even customise your phone.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Just tried to use my Xperia arc for a week but can't get used to how slow it is despite its 512 of ram(my first computer's ram by the way) it lags way too much compared to apple iOS. So therefore I will not be using the Xperia arc unless I really have to. I will still be changing to another phone other than iPhone in April as I said in a previous post as I am bored with iOS despite cydia hacks etc

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Next phone change in april...??

Due a new phone in April this year but do not think I will be renewing my fidelity with apple as I'm pretty bored with it at the moment. The new iPhone 5 doesn't really inspire me. Thinking of maybe the Samsung Galaxy or the Galaxy Note II as I like big screen (nothing to do with my eye sight I promise..LOL) or the Motorola Razr HD which looks beautiful and the specs are very interesting. What will you be changing to if you are like me and a bit bored with IOS?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Active dock

Great tweak called active dock just came out. It makes the icons in your dock bounce like on Mac OS. I know, I know. It's a useless tweak but for all the Mac OS fans like me....it's brilliant.

Rotten Apple!

With the new iOS 6.1.3 beta already being tested, planetbeing just posted yesterday that the update already plugs one the evasi0n exploits which in turn will obviously mean that if you wish to keep your untethered jailbreak....well just don't update and stay put. Quote from planetbeing below:
"If one of the vulnerabilities doesn’t work, evasi0n doesn’t work. . . We could replace that part with a different vulnerability, but [Apple] will probably fix most if not all of the bugs we’ve used when 6.1.3 comes out."

Monday, February 18, 2013

iOS 6 weather bug fixed

Last week when I jailbroke my iPhone and then installed appsync the native weather app would never launch. Well now it's fixed thanks to someone called 3nrico on the ihackstore repo. It's not brilliant news but hey, I like to use the weather app.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

nownow from bigboss repository

Just installed nownow from the big boss source. It's actually quite good. It launched google voice search like siri, handy since i have the iphone 4 which doesn't have siri. Try it out for yourself.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Appsync bug

Apparently the appsync hack is causing the native weather app to crash. So I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure there will be a fix/update soon.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jailbreak done!!

Just jailbroke my iPhone. No problems for the moment except the server errors on cydia due to too much traffic obviously. Just one thing I just noticed is the native weather app that won't open. Will let you know.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

My iPhone decided to play up again this morning. :(

Woke up this morning and my iphone gave methe cold shoulder with the "no service" after deactivating airplane mode. I think Apple do this on purpose....just before the upcoming jailbreak by  Evasi0n due tomorrow in europe. Below is a capture of the release times all over the world. I will let you know if I jailbreak it as at the moment I am restoring it through iTunes.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just stumbled on this

Just stumbled on this while going through my google account. It's a picture of the beautiful Adrianna Lima that I photoshopped .

Jailbreak out on sunday

The new jailbreak should be out on Sunday if the screen shots of the iOS devices on evasi0n's website are anything to go by...all the calendar icons are set to the 3rd...can't wait. Might update before, not sure yet. Will you upgrading to 6.1? Let me know by commenting below. Talk to you all on Sunday...before if there are any updates

Monday, January 28, 2013

IOS 6.1 (un)tethered jailbreak due soon..??

Planetbeing apparently tweeted that the new IOS 6.1 can be easily jailbreaked. According to musclenerd that might be coming out for the Sunday super bowl "Hey, did everyone know the Super Bowl is this Sunday? What will you be doing? /cc @evad3rs".

I cannot wait for this as it has been a really long time since I have used a jailbraked iphone.
Oh Yeah!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Holidays over....what a pity

Well that's it, no more excessive eating and drinking. I do wonder what apple has in store for us this year. I'm due a telephone upgrade from April onwards so probably won't be buying the iPhone 5. Will wait and see what they have to offer as my iPhone 4 is still running perfectly (touch virtual wood. Lol). I believe we should have a new untethered jailbreak this year hopefully. That's all for now. Have a great new year!!!!