Just a few words to welcome you to my blog. A simple blog where I share whatever I come across on the web. Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment and don't forget to click on the ads...it won't hurt a bit I promise :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

New google app for iOS. Capture

Just downloaded google's new capture app for YouTube. You can then share on Facebook or twitter or just upload to YouTube. Below are a couple of screen captures.

Friday, December 14, 2012

No untethered jailbreak for iOS 6/6.0.1

i0n1c a famous iOS hacker just posted on twitter that there will not be an untethered jailbreak available. See image below

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Jailbreak iOS 6??

I was just wondering how long it's going to be before the famous hackers come up with an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6. I miss my jailbroken iPhone.
It's been a long long time since there has been any news on the jailbreak. Nobody likes a tethered jailbreak. I know I don't as there is always a problem with jailbreak and hence you always have to reboot your phone and I m speaking from experience. I will let you know if I hear anything but I'm sure you'll know before me.

Friday, December 7, 2012

12 days of Christmas is back

It's that time of year again. 12 days of Christmas is updated for 2012. Hopefully there will be some nice little presents this year.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

iCloud bug??

Just wanted to share this with you. Just received an email in my iCloud account on my iPhone. Thought of it as spam, but on closer inspection I saw that it was an email addressed to kauha@me.com. Kind of worrying don't you think. Might just contact apple about this as my iPhone is not even jailbroken. Below is a screenshot. What do you think? Is there a virus going round that we don't know about?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What will be the next big update to iOS??

Just thinking what will be the next major update to iOS next time. I for one would love to be able to sync my photos on iPhoto on my iMac. I know they are synced j. The cloud but I prefer to have them copied onto my Mac. What would you like to see on the next update?? Comment below and let me know.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Beautiful photos!!

I just literally stumbled onto this one. Beautiful photos from all around the world. Below is an example of what you will see.


Facebook "promote" addition

I forgot to post about this. Noticed this came up on my my Facebook page. I can now promote any article I post on Facebook. I don't know if anyone "ordinary" will use this. The price is expensive also.....3£66 ...British pounds at that!! Below is a screenshot
So let me know if its worth it to you.

Bug on iPhone/safari for iOS

Having received a couple of comments in my blog recently (really excited about that, at least someone is reading a couple of my articles ) I therefore tried to reply to those posts with my blogger app for iPhone but nothing happened. In safari for iOS I disabled the block pop ups but nothing changed. Anyone else have this problem? My friend Peter told me he tried to comment on a post from his iPhone but couldn't. Let me know if you have this problem. In the meanwhile I'm gonna try and look into it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Siri versus google voice

Just watched a video on Vimeo comparing google voice to Siri. Most people updated to iPhone 4S just to get Siri. I have an iPhone 4 and have previously installed hacked versions of Siri via cydia but they never really worked. I have just tried google voice search and it's very fast and doesn't have difficulties in understanding me.
Here's the link Siri versus google

Facebook photo filters

I've just noticed that Facebook have now filters in the mobile app. It's a good addition. I don't know if I'll use it a lot as I don't usually use photo filters usually. You can also crop a photo which I reckon is useful.
Below is a screenshot

iOS 6.0.1 bugs?

As you may have in my previous posts regarding my iPhone, I updated my iOS to 6.0.1 hoping to fix it. It reinstalled okay but over the past week have noticed a couple of bugs. Notably the amount of bugs. The first one I noticed was the Facebook crashed. It just crashed for nothing. Secondly the sounds I chose for my notifications. I chose the famous "you've got mail" sound but even with it chosen in the settings the default sound is the only one I hear when I receive a mail. Strange no? The third one I noticed is the battery. It doesn't last as long as before. With iOS 6 it would last the whole day in work with about 60% remaining arriving home. Now it's about 30% remaining. I don't know if apple will fix these issues in the upcoming 6.1 update but I presume they are aware if these issues. Please share and comment below.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

"No service" iOS 6.0.1

My iPhone seems to be working perfectly since I updated to 6.0.1 and disabled the "automatic" in the carrier settings. I have never had so many signal bars on my phone since I did that. I can't understand why apple doesn't fix this bug as from what I've seen on the net since googling the problem I'm not the only one. Maybe it's just a coincidence but the update seems to have corrected the error -1 on iTunes and turning the carrier settings from automatic to off seems to have stopped the searching and no service problem. I will keep you up to date if it happens again.

Ps for some reason I can't post comments on blogger with safari on the iPhone. In reply to the comment/question below...you can't actually change the carrier settings on your iPhone if you're stuck in "no service" unfortunately. You have to keep trying until you get your carrier logo working then go to settings and the carrier should be just under Bluetooth in the settings

Friday, November 2, 2012

iPhone no service problem

I finally finished upgrading my iPhone to 6.0.1 last night. In order to solve the problem of no service I just turned off the " automatic" in the carrier part of settings. Don't know if it'll last but hopefully it will. Thought my antenna was broken.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

iPhone problems...fixed?

After nearly one hundred (unsuccessful) restores on iTunes I believe the problem is fixed. As it happens apple pushed out a new iOS update today so I decided to try and see if it would resolve my error -1 unable to convert ramrod error 1004
It worked!!! I had tried everything from restoring on another computer to taking it completely apart to see if there was loose connector or something.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Scott Forstal pushed out

Ios chief Forstal apparently has been forced to leave Apple. What will this mean to future ios updates? Rumour has it that he didn't want to take the blame for the new ios maps app

Monday, October 29, 2012

My bloody iPhone!!

Managed to restore my phone today but for stuck with a "searching" notification in the left top corner even though the.SIM was inserted
Don't know what to do know. Managed to get WiFi working in order to activate the device but it wouldn't activate saying the sever was busy. When I rebooted it then said that there was no sim card in the iPhone I tried to.activate

Sunday, October 28, 2012

itunes error -1

this is the end result of the console log for the updater...anyone know a solution??

ITunes error

<p>Just wondering if anyone iPhone savvy could help me. My iPhone had to restored due to error. I then reinstalled but got the error -1. The updater log shows " 0: RamrodErrorDomain/3ec: update_baseband: failed to perform next stage 1: BBUpdater/2 unable to convert ramrod error 1004"
I just want.to.know if it's.worth my while trying to.reinstall as this has happened before and I was able to restore after a.few.days of the phone left off.
Any help would be great as there are people who say it's hardware damage and others who say it is just.software.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jailbreaked my iPhone

Just decided to jailbreak even though its a tethered jailbreak. Just had to have my apps back. Hoping it won't be too long before the in-tethered version comes out. Please leave a comment below......

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

iOS 6 jailbreak

Like_a_sir just tweeted this"@Iike_a_sir: College is taking over my weekdays, but I try and do what I can on the jailbreak. Weekends are fine! Having a chat with @ragemasta tonight." I don't know about you but I can't wait for the jailbreak.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Finally iOS 6 jailbroken...?

Just got this on twitter....jailbreak around the corner. Like_a_sir tweeted that he has jailbroken his iPhone 5. Here's a link to the tweet https://twitter.com/iike_a_sir/status/255038774776582144
Will have to wait until its confirmed by another source as it will have to be tested obviously

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Untethered iOS 6 jailbreak....?

Been a couple of weeks since the new iOS 6 update and no news of an untethered jailbreak. I hope there is some iOS genius working on it as I'm a bit lost without it. I have to buy all my apps, I have no tweaks installed on my system. How long do you think we will have to wait for the good news. Please leave your comments below.

Friday, October 5, 2012

New iPhone 5

So now that the new iPhone 5 is out what do you think of it? Did you you wait in the queues in order to get it first? I'm going to wait til the new one in 2013 comes out....iPhone 6??

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pod2g not working on iOS 6 jailbreak

Pity to see this on twitter. Apparently pod2g will not be working on the iOS 6 untethered jailbreak. I'm sure someone will but how long do you reckon it'll take. Twitter link below


Updated to iOS 6

I just updated to iOS 6 because my system and therefore had to reinstall and obviously update(thanks apple). So I now have an un-jailbroken phone. I miss all my hacks and stuff and cannot wait until the untethered one comes out.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What would like me to write about?

I'm sitting here trying to think about what I could write about. What do you reckon I should talk about? Let me know by posting a comment. Cheers ...Gerry

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

iPhone back up and running (for the moment anyway)

Just managed to get my iPhone reinstalled after over 2 weeks of having to use an android phone.
My iPhone stopped working on thursday the 26th of July and I have been trying to reinstall ever since

Friday, July 27, 2012

Beautiful photo!!

This is a beautiful capture i found while stumbling as I often do. Taken in Norway.
Here's the original

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New hack for iPhone

Get great typewriter sounds on your iPhone with itypewriter. Remember to deactivate the keyboard clicks on the sounds settings for this to work. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Speed up iPhone.....

Just read a post on redmond pie about a hack by a 12 year old kid by the name ihackerMe...yes 12 years old and already hacking the iOS system. I have installed it and it really gives the impression of a faster iPhone. Leave a comment of what you think
Below is a screen shot

Friday, July 13, 2012

Apple products booming in Iran.

Apparently apple is selling well in Iran thanks to over a hundred "apple stores" even despite the sanctions that have been going on for years now.
According to the huffington website Here Majid Tavassoli the owner of RadanMac business has been booming and he has been supplying apple products since 1995.
photo from huffington post

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Windows look to your iPhone??

Ever wanted windows on your iPhone?
Well you can now thanks to dreamboard and metroon. Your apple friends won't like it but you can still give it a go

Notification center

Ever get fed up with notification center intruding on you? Well here's a new hack from cydia. It's called covermenot. It doubles the size of your status bar when you receive a notification and then goes back to the normal size just after. No more intrusive notifications

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Civil liberties...?

Just read a frightening article. I cannot believe would actually want this in our society.....bar code our kids!!!! Really?? Well why not? after all we do it for our pets?? Elizabeth Moon apparently would like all of us to be bar coded.
She said  “I would insist on every individual having a unique ID permanently attached — a barcode if you will — an implanted chip to provide an easy, fast inexpensive way to identify individuals,” she said on The Forum, a weekly show that features "a global thinking" discussing a "radical, inspiring or controversial idea" for 60 seconds .

What do you think?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Jailbreak done!!

Just managed to jailbreak my iPhone on 5.1.1. Will keep you posted

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jailbreak on 5.1 nearly ready

Apparently the new and long awaited
Jailbreak won't be too long. I am waiting for it before updating my iPhone. I wonder how many of you will be updating???

Friday, May 18, 2012

Bigger screen on new iPhone?

A lot of rumours about the size of the new iPhone. I hope it won't be too big. I am now using my Sony Xperia arc while waiting to install the.5.1 update from apple and find my screen a little too big depending on what I'm doing...texting etc. What size screen is ok for you. Let me know by commenting below.

Brilliant captures!!

Jus stumbled on this one.... original post
Fabulous shots I must say. Which one do you prefer? I prefer the one with the tweezers below
Please don't hesitate to comment and enjoy the images

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reading Under the dome at the moment

Under the Dome - King, Stephen. You should check out this book. I've been reading it on my Android phone using Aldiko. http://www.aldiko.com. As always Mr king really knows how to keep us reading !!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Google chrome on ios?

Macquarie apparently said ""Google Chrome browser for IOS is coming.". It,s about I hear you say. I personally would have preferred a mobile version of Firefox, but hey who cares what I think?
 Google is currently paying Apple an estimated 50%-60% revenue share for searches done through the safari search box. That,s a lot of money so I presume they would(the shareholders anyway) prefer to keep that kind of revenue at home. What do you think? I have always wondered why there was never a Firefox equivalent on IOS. I may start using Chrome browser just to see how it works on the iphone.
Let me know your thoughts on the matter

Pod2g just posted a list of tested 5.1 jailbreak devices

Hello, sorry for not writing in a while but have been fairly busy. Just saw that Pod2g just updated a list of devices he tested his jailbreak on:
"Here is the list of devices that are known to work for sure :

  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4S
  • iPad 1
  • iPad 2 Wifi
  • iPad 3 Wifi"
  • This surely means that it shouldn't be too long before the release(wishful thinking for my part) here's the direct link and don't forget to comment   original post

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Another lovely looking winterboard theme

This theme reminds me of Elite pro hd theme, love the clock icon!

It's ios 5 ready and has a calendar widget. Cannot wait to jailbreak my iPhone(please hurry with the jailbreak guys) and try this one out. Will keep you posted

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Enable battery percentage on iPhone

Enable battery percentage
This is a question that a lot of people ask. I prefer to know the percentage of my battery. Just go to settings, general, usage and turn on battery percentage.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The things I miss most of my jailbroken iPhone.

1 SBSettings.
Just love this one. It's the first thing I install. It allows you to reboot or turn on wifi from a swipe. You can also hide icons which you don't want people to see.

2. Gridlock
This is excellent as you can place your icons wherever you wish on springboard and not have to have them side by side.

3 Installous.
This is basically the reason most people jailbreak their iPhones. It's an app store but without having to pay for them. I usually "try before I buy" with most apps but apple doesn't have this available unfortunately. Therefore I download hacked apps.

4. Winterboard
This allows to "theme" your iPhone. I don't know about you but I get very bored with my iPhone if it has the same look all the time.

5. Bitesms.
One of the things I hate about the native messenger app is the inability to have a sent "receipt". With Bitesms you have this plus a lot more like password protecting your messages, time stamp on every conversation.

6. Ifile.
This is an app which allows to go right into the root of the iPhone and with which you bookmark and then share by mail any part of the root. U usually use this to change certain parts of a theme.

7. Springjumps
This is actually brilliant. It allows to "jump" to a certain page by clicking on an icon on your dock and it brings you straight to that page. I think it's much quicker than the swiping as if you have six pages it can be tedious to get to the sixth page by swiping.

Apple to talk about billions tomorrow

A conference call with CEO Tim Cook and CFO Peter Oppenheimer tomorrow, monday, will determine what they(apple) intend to do with nearly 100 billion in earnings!!

original article here

original press conference:
Apple Conference Call
WHAT: Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, and Peter Oppenheimer, Apple's CFO, will host a conference call to announce the outcome of the Company's discussions concerning its cash balance. Apple® will not be providing an update on the current quarter nor will any topics be discussed other than cash.

WHERE: Via conference call. The dial-in number for press is (877) 616-0063 (toll-free) or (719) 219-0041. Please enter confirmation code 592016.

WHEN: Monday, March 19, 2012 at 6:00 a.m. PDT/9:00 a.m. EDT

REBROADCAST: The conference call will be available as a continuous rebroadcast beginning Monday, March 19 at 9:00 a.m. PDT/12:00 p.m. EDT through Monday, April 2 at 9:00 a.m. PDT/12:00 p.m. EDT. The dial-in number for the rebroadcast is (888) 203-1112 (toll-free) or (719) 457-0820. Please enter confirmation code 6274937.

WEBCAST: Apple will provide live audio streaming of its conference call using Apple's industry-leading QuickTime® multimedia software. The live webcast will begin at 6:00 a.m. PDT on March 19, 2012 at www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/call31912 and will also be available for replay for approximately two weeks thereafter. The webcast is available on any iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® or any Mac® or PC running QuickTime 6 or later. If you do not have QuickTime installed on your Windows PC, it is available at www.apple.com/quicktime.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center

The NSA(national security agency) of America is building a Big brother eat your heart out centre. Apparentlty they will intercept including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases. Oh my god, where are we going with this? You will have to be very careful what you say or do in the not so far future as the site should be up and running in 2013!!
Original story here   click
Photo: Name Withheld; Digital Manipulation: Jesse Lenz

Slimmer MacBook Pro in production

An article on digitimes.com has said that apple is said to be removing the optical disc drive(like the macbook air). What do you think? Do you use your optical drive? Original article here  Digitimes

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Interesting safari secret

Here's an interesting little "hack" I found today. You can actually save anything from a web page on safari. I mean anything from images to videos to music. Basically you launch safari then go to window then activity and the browser will show you everything that safari is saving to cache. Just double click on the image or video or mp3 to save it. Here is a screenshot of what you see in "activity" mode

Let me know if you  find it useful...I think it's quite a neat little trick

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nokia maps for iphone

Nokia have posted a blog about their maps app. They have released an HTML5 version of the app. Good news as you don't have to install it from android's marketplace or apple's app store. Just add to home screen and you're done. Try it out for yourself
Just go to m.maps.nokia.com and add to home screen

Jailbreak (tethered)

Just woke up after a late night trying to jailbreak my iPhone. I know what you are going to say....it's tethered. I know but I wanted to see what it was like. It was a nightmare lol. Never again, after installing my favorite tweaks from cydia there was of course one that needed a reboot. That didn't please me as I got stuck in an infinite "apple" logo boot up so I ended up restoring my iPhone. I suppose these jailbreaks are for people who never turn their idevices off

Monday, March 12, 2012

Free online converter

Now this is a great idea...a free on-line converter for audio, images, videos,  ebooks etc. Ever need to convert something and you don't the software to do it? Well here's the solution. Go to online converter

Don't forget to send feedback if you like this post :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

iPhoto for iPhone

Hi, just ended up buying iPhoto for my iPhone since I was forced by apple to restore my phone therefore upgrading the software to 5.1 hence upgrading my baseband(un jailbreakable at the moment...untethered anyway). It's quite a nice little app but I think that it should hae come with the IOS 5.1 update as it is just a blown up photo app. Lovely graphics I will say.
iPhoto for iphone
Will keep you updated as I use it from day to day. Leave a comment if you like

IOS 5.1 new features

IOS 5.1 just came out a few days ago. Nothing spectacular really but hey what the hell. I had to update even though I didn't want to as I lost my jailbreak...sniff sniff. I like the camera icon in lock screen which you can slide up to access the camera app and App Store download limit over 3G increased from 20 megabytes to 50 megabytes but thats about it really.

Here is a list of the official new features/fixes from apple:

    •    Initial release on iPad (3rd generation)
    •    Enhanced Siri dictation support during text input "on supported devices" (iPhone 4S in 2011) [78]
    •    Carrier updates (e.g. AT&T 12.0).
    •    AT&T indicator now says "4G" when applicable (HSPA+, iPhone 4S only).
    •    Baseband updates.
    •    Battery life reportedly fixed.[79]
    •    Fixes iPhone 4S support for Caller ID Name Display (on supported carriers – i.e. Rogers & Fido in Canada).
    •    Users can now enter any Apple ID to sign-up for an iCloud account. Previously, they had to use (or create a new) me.com email Apple ID.
    •    New Montesi Wallpaper
    •    Images can now be removed manually from the Photo Stream in iCloud. Any photos deleted are now also removed from other iOS devices connected to iCloud.
    •    Shake-to-shuffle bug fix, which caused the Music app to freeze.
    •    The Setup Assistant caused an “infinite setup loop” for some users. When the setup was completed, the iPhone would jump back to a “thank you” screen ad infinitum. Users had to reboot the device to restore functionality.
    •    SpringBoard bug fix, the home screen for the iPhone would sometimes fall into a state when double-clicking the home button would not display the Camera icon.
    •    Permanent Camera icon allows user to switch between camera and locked screen state by swiping vertically.
    •    Bluetooth bug fix; enabling Bluetooth and returning to home screen, the Bluetooth icon still remains in the status bar.
    •    Possible bug fixes on Wi-Fi signal strength on all devices.
    •    Safari, list of Bookmarks no longer automatically displayed when opening the browser if the last page opened before closing was blank.
    •    Safari, address bar added text (Go to this address).
    •    Music, fixed the slow coverflow.
    •    Minor UI changes in Maps.
    •    Genius now available with iTunes Match
    •    Improved Assistive Touch.
    •    Improved Location Services.
    •    License column added, under the About menu.
    •    Support for Siri in Japanese
    •    Possible fix to Outgoing Call No Audio (OCNA) issue.[citation needed]
    •    App Store download limit over 3G increased from 20 megabytes to 50 megabytes
    •    Face detection in Camera app now tag faces with green boxes
    •    Legal changes to Legal Notices in the "about" tab.
    •    Redesigned Camera app on iPad 2
    •    Smart playlists now appear in correct order on iPhone rather than reverse order
    •    New speaker icon next to song name of song currently playing

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Favorite iPhone jailbreak themes

March 7, 2012 9:18 PM
I just thought I’d share my favorite themes at the moment. The one I am using at the moment is equix. State of the art theme, nothing like all the other themes I’ve tried and have I tried alot. Below is a screenshot of it. I just love the look and feel of it. Much better and fresher than those other themes.

IMG_0021-2012-03-7-21-12.PNG It has a fully animated and transparent weather window, RSS widget and ical or calender pro(google and ical) widget. You will need the following cydia tweeks to make it work
1. Gridlock (paid) to freely place the icons on screen
2. Infinidock (paid) or similar to place six springjumps at the dock
3. Springjumps (free) for switchable tabs
4. Iconoclasm (paid) for the icon layout.
5. PerPageHTML (free) for having different backgrounds and widgets on each page

Try it out and leave a comment below as to whether you appreciate it as much as I do. Here is the original link to modmyi where you can get more info click here

Like an earlier post

This is just like dearphotograph.com I just love it...here is the link  
 click here